Based in Midland, Texas, Patch Energy is an oil and gas investment firm that is actively pursuing acquisition opportunities throughout the major oil and gas basins of the United States. We are a long term buy and hold firm that does not resell the minerals we purchase for an immediate profit- enabling us to maintain a pricing model that is much more favorable to mineral owners seeking the best deal possible for the sale of their mineral interests. We do not use any debt or private equity financing for our acquisitions, so we can usually close all deals within a weeks' time.
Patch Energy is a purchaser of various types of mineral interests including both producing and non-producing royalties and overriding royalty interests up to $1MM and will consider mineral deals up to the $10MM area. We currently own assets in over ninety six counties in Texas, New Mexico, Arkansas, Colorado, Louisiana, Ohio, Oklahoma, and Wyoming and are one of the most active purchasers of mineral and royalty interests in Texas.
There are numerous reasons to sell your minerals, and Patch Energy makes each transaction as simple and seamless as possible. Feel free to call or email us today for a hassle-free, no obligation quote on your asset.
Tell us more about your mineral rights. Our team of experienced professionals will review your inquiry and get you a quick no obigation quote on your asset.

Get a personalized experience with one of our acquisition agents who will insure that your transaction will be smooth, quick and fair. We do everything we can to insure a gratifying result.

We do not use any debt or private equity financing to fund our acquisitions so we are able to work with mineral owners on a quick close. Your satisafaction is guaranteed.

312 E Illinois Avenue, Suite 1, Midland, TX 79701 admin@patchenergyllc.com | Tel: 432-684-7995
Mailing Address: P.O. Box 51068, Midland, TX 79710
Please fill out the form below for a hassle-free, no obligation quote on your mineral rights.